The Apollo Fundraising logo (a burnt orange profile of the Apollo Belvedere) is shown wearing a party hat, surrounded by brightly coloured balloons

On 1st July 2017, Apollo Fundraising celebrates its 1st birthday.

During our first twelve months we have:

Provided fundraising consultancy and support to 26 arts and culture organisations, helping them to achieve their fundraising goals

David provides advice to a fundraiser at a museum's conference
David presenting to a room full of fundraisers at the 2016 Spektrix conference

Delivered 29 workshops and training sessions on topics including Individual Giving, Legacy Fundraising, Trusts and Foundations and Making the Ask

Written 8 blogs, published on UK Fundraising, Charity Connect and

A typewriter sits next to a Macbook computer
The logo of the Arts Council England and the National Lottery

Supported 3 organisations to write successful Arts Council England NPO applications, securing more than £3.8million

Sponsored the Institute of Fundraising Culture Sector Network and Canolfan Gerdd William Mathias, while also making smaller donations to 23 organisations

A woman in a red dress holds a handful of large gold coins

Thank you to everybody that has supported Apollo Fundraising this year, and to all of the amazing organisations we have had the pleasure of working with.